martes, 24 de marzo de 2009


I´m driving through the same old road / with the same hate i´ve always try to not show,
since my infancy this emotion feeds on me / of my soul and heart
and for times i achieve to swallow it / forsaken it and living another ways
but i never changed / i´m the same who hate himself and wants to change his fate
an unstoppable force that brings me down and deeper / into the jaws of fear and woe
they are my reflection / my condition or the debts i need to pay
and through times i deliver this weak strength / however nothing turns well
so i´m always asking forgiveness and the same mercy i´ve given
maybe an error looking retribution inside a plastic world
myself can´t stay here for so long / not hurrying, not pressuring peace
i want a chance to be someone else / the real me
still the window is wet for the drops of rain
and the hate against myself it´s rotting from the core of my spirit
crashing all my will
just a little flame resides and dreams with self respect and a clear vision
the old road it´s eternal and i´m driving on it, looking at the rain
and this savage night
crawling through my shadow
refusing another life
i know that myself is already deceased.


Planeada como la canción más larga de "In love..." , esta sujeta a métricas inestables y una recitación vaga. el objetivo era representar ese agobio por la duración y el lenguaje repetitivo que se lee, a esto unímos una difícil integración a la música lo que incrementa la facilidad para ser modificada en el proceso de grabación u composición.

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